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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

To be eligible, the candidate must be a permanent resident of Assam, except for sons/daughters of central government employees.

Yes, candidates who are not permanent residents of Assam but whose parent/s are Central Government Employees posted in Assam for less than 20 years on the last date of counselling, as decided by the Director of Technical Education, can avail of the Central Government quota. (Please check the Information Brochure for details)

Candidates must have passed the H.S.LC. or its equivalent examination in a single sitting, without grace marks in Science and Mathematics. They must pass both theory and practical/internal assessment individually, with Mathematics and Science as compulsory subjects. (Please check the Infromation Brochure for details)

To qualify for the Tuition Fee Waiver scheme, the family income must be below 8 lakh per annum.

In such cases, the candidate is not required to select any option in Sub-Category, and can skip the subcategory drop-down option.

If you have successfully submitted the application after filling all the details and payment of fee, and downloaded the acknowledgement slip, you can ignore the Apply button.

When sending an email with a query, please ensure to include the following details:

1. Clear Description of the Problem

2. Name

3. Application ID
4. Registered Email Address.

5. Registered Contact Number

In such cases, candidates should wait for 24 hours to allow for any potential delays in processing. If the issue persists beyond this timeframe, please send us an email detailing your problem along with your transaction details and registration information. If the payment is successful it will be reflected in your log in page in the Payments Section.

You can check the transaction status by using the below link:


In such cases, submit only your class 10th (HSLC) details and skip the HS (class 12th) section in the form fill-up.

Please follow these steps to check your payment status:

1. Login to your account.
2. Click on the "Payment" option located at the top of your screen.
3. Select the "Check Payment" option that appears.
4. View your payment status which will be displayed.

Alternatively, you can check your payment status through this link: https://www.sbiepay.sbi/secure/transactionTrack